Sunday, December 29, 2019

Employment projections to 2024

Employment projections to 2024Employment projections to 2024Employment projections to 2024On Tuesday, December 8, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released employment projections for the period 2014 through 2024. The 2014 projections continue a longstanding tradition of connecting the past to the future dating back more than 50 years. The projections form the basis for providing information on entering the job market, changing careers, and choosing appropriate educational and training paths to job success.Key Take-AwaysHealthcare occupations and industries are expected to have the fastest employment growth and to add the most jobsOverall, the labor force participation rate is projected to decrease and labor force growth to slowGross Domestic Product (GDP) is expected to rise 2.2 percent annuallyEconomic growth is projected to generate 9.8 mio new jobsa 6.5-percent increaseWant to know more about which industries and occupations are expected to add the most new jobs over the next decade ? Check out the Employment Projections Overview from Intelligence.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

5 Executive Resume Mistakes That Attract Soul-Crushing Employers

5 Executive Resume Mistakes That Attract Soul-Crushing Employers 5 Executive Resume Mistakes That Attract Soul-Crushing Employers I want to tell you about a client of mine. Well call him Greg. Greg recently took a new job. The company is a successful, mature business, but it is currently having trouble allocating resources tothe offshoot division it hiredGreg to lead.This wasnt supposed to be a problem - not according to the discussions Greg had with his potential employer during the interview process. However, the lack of resourcesis causing all sorts ofissues with delivery, execution, and financial reporting for Greg and his team.On top of that, Greg is concerned about his relationship dynamic with the CEO, a 68-year-old micromanager who refers to himself as His Majesty. This is the complete opposite of what Greg had expected based on the spirited exchanges of ideas that took place in his interviews with the company.The CEO is inflexible, refusing to adopt new business approache s since his company has been successful thus far. As a result,the team often makes business decisions without the CEO being fully aware of them otherwise, he might quash those decisions. (Gregs peers initially framed this as delegating during the hiring process.) The mature business itself is still profitable but declining, which is why Gregs offshoot was started in the first place.Greg is growing exhausted with the CEO and his restrictive company culture - so he is going to start looking again. He realizes he cant do the job search the same way he did last time or he might end up in the same kind of company.Working with Greg, I was able to help him identify some of the resume mistakes he made that helped lead him to such a soul-crushing job. Hopefully, youll avoid behauptung mistakes during your next job hunt as wellMistake No. 1 Avoid Passive, Task-Oriented LanguageBelieve it or not,some companiesactively seek people-pleasing types. When your resume is written in a task-driven ma nner with a tone of deference, you can attractansichtauthoritarian employers.The key is to create a resume that showcases your achievements and positionsyou as a business partner, not a submissive yes-man. This shift in positioning will attract more progressive organizations that seek leaders of equal footing.Incorrect Responsible for creating marketing strategy, staff hiring, and collateral creationCorrect Repositioned marketing strategy and expanded main product reach into 17 new markets established 14 new evangelist relationships that led to 160,000 new opt-ins at event launch and developed targeted communications that resulted in a combined $2.7 million revenue increase (21%) over prior yearMistake No. 2 Using a Dated Resume FormatThis will send the homilie that you are not a top-tier candidate, have limited options, and could be attracted toanopportunity at a less-than-ideal organization. If you are coming from a mature company, take the extra steps to come across as progressiv e and innovative. Use a modern, clean, crisp resume format.Mistake No.3 Using Bloated Corporate Jargon to Describe Your ExperienceRecruiters recognize an inflated vocabulary as a possible sign of a lack of confidence. Straight-talking vernacular comes across as more self-assured. Replace empty resume-speak with streamlined, clear writing.Incorrect Empowered information technology team to work cohesively through redefined best practices, core values, and creative outside-the-box thinkingCorrect Mentored 7-person IT leadership team to lead company-wide system migration which resulted in the project finishing $3.2 million under budget and 16 days earlier than the deadline the project received 98% end-user approval due to making customer fulfillment easier to accomplish.Mistake No. 4 Focusing on Tasks Instead of AccomplishmentsRecruiters and hiring managers prefer to read about results. Resumes that incorporate results go straight to the top of the pile at innovative firms. Stagnant fir ms are intimidated by flourishing achievement. They are unsure if you will stay for the long term.Incorrect Managed financial operations through improved profit margins, increased revenues, and new revenue streamsCorrect Streamlined financial operations to increase profit margin from 12% to 18%, discovered 4 new revenue streams, and grew revenues by $6.7 million (8%) through strategic value-add pricing initiativeMistake No. 5 Targeting the Wrong CompaniesGreg showedme the list of target companies that led him to the job with His Majesty. It was a list of the stodgier Fortune 500 firms and other established, possibly declining, organizations. Greg was attracted to the idea of helping these companies turn around, but he was setting himself upto stagnate along with a stagnating firm.For his next job search,Greg did more research. After googling the top 50 startups in Austin, we came up with a great list of companies.Greg now knows he wants to work for a flat organization where all voic es are heard, where he can be mentored by upstart leaders, and where he can be a mentor to otherswithin the business.- Resume blunders can really cost you. Position yourself like the business partner youare to find a fantastic companywhere you can flourish.Lisa Rangel is founder and managing director the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Study Our smiles and frowns do not actually reflect our feelings

Study Our smiles and frowns do notlagelage actually reflect our feelingsStudy Our smiles and frowns do not actually reflect our feelingsBefore you go reading too much into your babos face for clues, know this - that smile or frown doesnt actually mean what you think it means. Too many of us are taught that our facial expressions are mirrors of our feelings. When our boss smiles, shes happy, when our coworker frowns, hes mad, were taught to believe. But recent research debunks this, finding that our facial expressions are our tools to telegraph our intentions or goals.Facial displays are not about us, but about changing the behavior of those around us, psychologists Alan Fridlund and Carlos Crivelli argued in their new paper on facial expressions.Facial expressions are not emotional statesFacial expressions are not reflections of primal feeling but are social negotiation tools. They are signals to both sender and recipient of how they want the interaction to go, Fridlund and Crivelli argue.Centuries of Western thought tells us that internal essences (emotions) are externalized via our different facial expressions. Your face looks happy, therefore you are happy. But the new behavioral ecology view of facial displays theory challenges this idea. Under it, facial expressions are not universally shared or reliable emotional vectors.Once you understand that facial expressions are road signs, not maps, you can read your coworkers scowl in a new light. Here is how to read faces under this new theorySmiling notlage as happiness, but as a way to get a person to play or affiliatePouting Not as sadness, but as a way to recruitpersons support or protectionScowling Not as anger, but as a way to influence a person to submitGasping Not as fear, but as a way to deflect persons attack via ones own submission or retreat from a conversationNose Scrunching Not as disgust, but as a rejection of the current interaction trajectoryBlank face Not as poker face of suppressed emotion, bu t as a way for the person to disengage by leading the conversation nowhereThese complex, nuanced signals show us that we are social creatures who want to manipulate the interaction to go our way. When your baby cries out when she is alone in the night, she is recruiting your care. When your boss scowls, its not actual anger, its a way for them to get you to submit and agree with their point of view.Our faces are influenced by who we are with, and what are our goals for the interaction. When we make a face, we are not exposing how we feel, in other words. We are showing what we want to happen next.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

4 tested and failed side hustles

4 tested and failed side hustles4 tested and failed side hustlesWhen Side Hustles Dont Go As PlannedMy husband says Im always scheming. No, Im elend a super-villain - what he means is that I am always looking for new and better ways to make money. Ive tried a lot of different methods to pull in cash over the years, and some have worked, but many have failed.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreToday Id like to share with you some of those tested and failed side hustles, so you dont have to make the same mistakes I did.(NOTE My results are not indicative of everyones results. This is about my experience.)Tested and Failed Side Transcription ServicesRev is an online transcription service wzu siche clients can submit audio files. People like you and I transcribe them. I welches attracted to Rev because you dont need to buy any special transcription equipment or have any prior experience to get started. All you need is yur two hands, a reliable internet connection, and some time.LikesSigning up was a relatively straightforward process.You get paid via PayPal. No waiting on checks or dealing with deposits.There is no schedule or quota. You can work as much as you want and whenever you want.There are lots of training articles and resources if you have questions.You dont need to download any special software. The transcription editor is embedded right into their website.DislikesThe quality of the audio is usually pretty poor. I had a hard time understanding what people were saying fruchtwein of the time.Other, more experienced Revvers grade your materials. This led to some inconsistencies in grading because different people grade each submission.You are paid by the audio minute, not the real-life minute. Particularly when the sound quality is terrible, you may find yourself spending an hour on a job that is paying you for ten minutes. Not good.I felt a lot of pressure to get every word right, which was sometimes impossible. Since the grading was inconsistent, I never knew if I was going to get dinged for something that I legitimately couldnt hear properly.Why It FailedWhile I think Rev is a good concept and I loved the flexibility, I just didnt find that the pay was worth the time and frustration. You do have to option to purchase and use special transcription equipment that may help with streamlining the process and filtering lousy audio, but I wasnt willing to spend the money.I dont see Rev as a huge money maker if youre trying to improve your financial situation. Hard pass.Selling on AmazonBack when I first started selling on eBay, I also tried to branch out into Amazon. I only sold one or two things before I went back to eBay exclusively, and I havent looked back since.LikesAmazons prices tend to skew higher than eBays so you can ask more for your items.Buyers on Amazon are less skeptical and dont pay much attention to your s eller rating. You can go on Amazon and sell immediately, whereas on eBay you have to spend time building up feedback before youll get consistent sales.Some argue that your items will get more exposure on Amazon because more people shop there than on eBay. I never tested this theory myself, but it could be true. Amazon is kind of taking over the world.DislikesAmazon requires you to get approval to sell in most of their categories. However, Amazon doesnt grant authorization in many categories. As a result, you end up with very few categories in which you can sell. Some categories are nearly impossible to get into because they are already saturated with sellers.Amazon has a lot of rules. For example, if you submit a photo of your product, it needs to have a hintergrund with a particular shade of white, so it blends in with their homepage. This requires a lot of photo editing, which takes up way too much time.You need permission from many brands to sell their products. For example, I bo ught some really nice mens polo shirts from Ralph Lauren online. I had a receipt to prove that they were legitimate, but Amazon wanted me to provide a letter, from Ralph Lauren, stating that I have permission to distribute their brand. Clearly, that wasnt something I was going to be able to get, so I was unable to sell my polos on Amazon. Bummer.Their website is not user-friendly. eBay is so easy that even my Dad (a man who still types with his two index fingers) can do it. I just couldnt figure out Amazons process, especially when trying to print shipping labels.Payment isnt instantly sent to your PayPal account like it is on eBay. You have to wait until Amazon pays out. I think the intervals may have been every couple of weeks, but I cant remember exactly.Amazon buyers are generally looking for new items. This knocks out a large part of my inventory. While I do have some new items, there are so many restrictions that I couldnt list most of them.Why It FailedThe single thing that d eterred me the most from selling on Amazon were all the restrictions. I was unable to find items I was allowed to sell, and I lacked the time and patience to beg my way into categories.Direct SalesI had one experience with direct sales, and it will be my last. Misguidedly, I signed up for Mary Kay back when I was about 23-24 years old. I paid about $100 to buy a product kit after attending one of their free facials with my sister. It failed horribly. I blame my young age and naivety.LikesBeing able to buy their products at a discount for myself.DislikesYou have to be that annoying person on Facebook, peddling your wares to your friends and family.Hosting those stupid home parties, where people only buy things because they feel guilted into doing so.Youre expected to call local businesses and ask if you can set up a display in their store to harass their customers into buying your products.Youre also expected to set up little boxes at said local businesses for people to enter to win a free facial. Note you dont need to win a free facial to receive one. You need to request to host a party. The facial is always free.The products are expensive.Time away from home. Hosting parties, setting up displays, and handing out samples requires you to put on pants and be out in the world. I enjoy making money from the comfort of my couch, where pants are optional.Why It FailedI dont like to harass or guilt people into buying products that they dont want or need. I dont know why I thought that I would be successful at direct sales, because I dont even like when salespeople come up to me in clothing stores to ask if I need help.Further, I questioned the practice of offering free facials as prizes when they were available for free upon request at any time. I found it misleading. When I expressed my concern, my supervisor became extraordinarily defensive and basically told me that if I didnt like it, leave. I accepted her invitation to move on, and that was the end of my career in direct sales.Selling baked goodsBaking has always been one of my favorite things to do. Ive sold a few cheesecakes to friends over the years, so I thought that it might be a good idea to try to start my own baked goods business. I dont really have likes or dislikes list for this one because I never managed to get it off the ground.Why It FailedBasically, the source of all my problems was that I couldnt bake at home. Pennsylvania home-based food business rules* state that your kitchen has to be able to pass their health inspection. Because I have two indoor cats, that wasnt going to happen. Baking at home was out.I did try to find another venue before I gave up ultimately, but commercial kitchens are scarce and expensive in my area. Renting the kitchen time wasnt all that outrageous, but renting space to store my ingredients was going to be the problem. I called the Health Department to see if it was possible to buy a separate freezer and save my ingredients at home, but that was not possible.I also called around to local churches to see if renting their kitchens was an option, but their insurance didnt cover outside people using it. Because I didnt want to invest a bunch of money into something that I wasnt sure was going to be successful yet, I gave up on the idea.*Each state has different health code rules, so if youre thinking of trying a home-based food business, check your states regulations.Should I Avoid These Tested and Failed Side Hustles Entirely?Thats really up to you. If you read what I wrote today and still want to give it a go, you should. Plenty of people are successful at these ventures, and if you think you have what it takes, I say go for it. Hopefully, if youre thinking about trying one of the above and youre still on the fence, my experience will help sway you in one direction or the other.Thats the great thing about side hustlesthey arent your primary income. If one isnt working out for you, then just quit and try another. You really ne ed to find a side hustle that is personalized to you and is something that youre going to enjoy.After all, if were all mostly miserable at our real jobs, we cant be unhappy at our side hustles too.This article first appeared on Money Geek.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Choosing Good Cashier Duties Resume

Choosing Good Cashier Duties Resume The Cashier Duties Resume Cover Up You might need to answer questions regarding the products that you sell or store policies. The better part of the themes will be given by named, continue posting specialists and therefore the item quality is really great. Moreover, you also need to add your particular background as a legal professional in numerous fields like business, immigration, government or maybe a combination of different specialties. Finally, make aya to compose an original statement for each and every job that you make an application for, so the organization perceives what makes you a fantastic suit for that specific job. When youre designing your work application goal, you must concentrate on particular abilities and experiences that are directly connected to the job. Avoiding temptation and respecting the job cant only prevent legal issues, but might also cause advancement opportunities within the organization. You may use the w ork application objective whenever youre concentrating on any particular job. Apart from their sales capabilities and their capacity to be quite smooth, fast and efficient for the job, it is quite important they have the proper customer relation skills too. The 30-Second Trick for Cashier Duties Resume The cashier must set the items on a scale to find an accurate weight and has to enter the code corresponding to the item so the register knows the suitable amount to charge. To remove the webpage, attempt to bring you to ultimately the table so that you want to end it with large note. If you are working to use a modified block format and youve never done so in your life, it is most likely best to use a complete block format. plektron the appropriate information for your distinct cashier position from this detailed job description. A cashier is usually required to count their cash drawer before and after a shift to make certain that it includes the right sum of money in compari son to daily sales records. At supermarkets and some stores, she is also required to know the product codes, as most billing is done with the help of computers and product codes. If you would like to work as a Grocery Store Cashier, concentrate on the subsequent. The Walmart cashier ought to be ready to work at quite speedy pace, particularly during holiday sessions when people would have more time to see the shop. What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Cashier Duties Resume If you would like to turn into a cashier, you essentially have to be real quick with handling cash, and have good standard arithmetic and communication abilities. Although some cashier duties might differ based on the place you work, the fundamental responsibilities are alike across the board. The fundamental duties of a cashier also demand a high degree of efficiency and accuracy. The duties and obligations of a cashier may extend away from the lunchroom. Hearsay, Lies and Cashier Duties Resume It is i mperative that you need to believe like your possible firm. Cashiers are generally regarded as entry-level workers, meaning no specialized skills are required normally. Dont think you dont have sufficient cashier experience to acquire the job. When you advertise a cashier job, you need to focus on attracting the kind of employee your company requirements. You are going to want to take into consideration the kind of work you honestly chance to be interested in being employed to finish. Among the absolute most critical design choices that might be produced on your continue is the font. When youre searching for a job for a gas station cashier, you stand a possibility of being hired even if its the case that you dont have lots of experience. Use the search box to find just what you want to find.Youre ready to comprehend why you begin with an objective can actually undermine the potency of the remainder of your continue whether the remainder of the resume may be a work of genius. The other badeanstalt thing about career targets is the true truth it can be too specific. To begin with, you will probably avoid the job, because companies are therefore specific concerning the skill pieces they need to get. A follow-up at the correct time can set you top of mind and receive the interview. If youre looking for Sample Resume Cashier Grocery Store youve come to the proper spot. Your resume was made to sell 1 productyou. Cashier Duties Resume at a Glance Once you have reviewed our cashier job description samples and made a work listing for your enterprise, take some opportunity to examine our interview questions for cashiers. Its easy to write that type of cover letter for cashier work. A cashier should be efficient also, else the chance of long check-out lines and disgruntled customers can quickly arise. Many young folks are cashiers.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

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