Sunday, December 29, 2019

Employment projections to 2024

Employment projections to 2024Employment projections to 2024Employment projections to 2024On Tuesday, December 8, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released employment projections for the period 2014 through 2024. The 2014 projections continue a longstanding tradition of connecting the past to the future dating back more than 50 years. The projections form the basis for providing information on entering the job market, changing careers, and choosing appropriate educational and training paths to job success.Key Take-AwaysHealthcare occupations and industries are expected to have the fastest employment growth and to add the most jobsOverall, the labor force participation rate is projected to decrease and labor force growth to slowGross Domestic Product (GDP) is expected to rise 2.2 percent annuallyEconomic growth is projected to generate 9.8 mio new jobsa 6.5-percent increaseWant to know more about which industries and occupations are expected to add the most new jobs over the next decade ? Check out the Employment Projections Overview from Intelligence.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

5 Executive Resume Mistakes That Attract Soul-Crushing Employers

5 Executive Resume Mistakes That Attract Soul-Crushing Employers 5 Executive Resume Mistakes That Attract Soul-Crushing Employers I want to tell you about a client of mine. Well call him Greg. Greg recently took a new job. The company is a successful, mature business, but it is currently having trouble allocating resources tothe offshoot division it hiredGreg to lead.This wasnt supposed to be a problem - not according to the discussions Greg had with his potential employer during the interview process. However, the lack of resourcesis causing all sorts ofissues with delivery, execution, and financial reporting for Greg and his team.On top of that, Greg is concerned about his relationship dynamic with the CEO, a 68-year-old micromanager who refers to himself as His Majesty. This is the complete opposite of what Greg had expected based on the spirited exchanges of ideas that took place in his interviews with the company.The CEO is inflexible, refusing to adopt new business approache s since his company has been successful thus far. As a result,the team often makes business decisions without the CEO being fully aware of them otherwise, he might quash those decisions. (Gregs peers initially framed this as delegating during the hiring process.) The mature business itself is still profitable but declining, which is why Gregs offshoot was started in the first place.Greg is growing exhausted with the CEO and his restrictive company culture - so he is going to start looking again. He realizes he cant do the job search the same way he did last time or he might end up in the same kind of company.Working with Greg, I was able to help him identify some of the resume mistakes he made that helped lead him to such a soul-crushing job. Hopefully, youll avoid behauptung mistakes during your next job hunt as wellMistake No. 1 Avoid Passive, Task-Oriented LanguageBelieve it or not,some companiesactively seek people-pleasing types. When your resume is written in a task-driven ma nner with a tone of deference, you can attractansichtauthoritarian employers.The key is to create a resume that showcases your achievements and positionsyou as a business partner, not a submissive yes-man. This shift in positioning will attract more progressive organizations that seek leaders of equal footing.Incorrect Responsible for creating marketing strategy, staff hiring, and collateral creationCorrect Repositioned marketing strategy and expanded main product reach into 17 new markets established 14 new evangelist relationships that led to 160,000 new opt-ins at event launch and developed targeted communications that resulted in a combined $2.7 million revenue increase (21%) over prior yearMistake No. 2 Using a Dated Resume FormatThis will send the homilie that you are not a top-tier candidate, have limited options, and could be attracted toanopportunity at a less-than-ideal organization. If you are coming from a mature company, take the extra steps to come across as progressiv e and innovative. Use a modern, clean, crisp resume format.Mistake No.3 Using Bloated Corporate Jargon to Describe Your ExperienceRecruiters recognize an inflated vocabulary as a possible sign of a lack of confidence. Straight-talking vernacular comes across as more self-assured. Replace empty resume-speak with streamlined, clear writing.Incorrect Empowered information technology team to work cohesively through redefined best practices, core values, and creative outside-the-box thinkingCorrect Mentored 7-person IT leadership team to lead company-wide system migration which resulted in the project finishing $3.2 million under budget and 16 days earlier than the deadline the project received 98% end-user approval due to making customer fulfillment easier to accomplish.Mistake No. 4 Focusing on Tasks Instead of AccomplishmentsRecruiters and hiring managers prefer to read about results. Resumes that incorporate results go straight to the top of the pile at innovative firms. Stagnant fir ms are intimidated by flourishing achievement. They are unsure if you will stay for the long term.Incorrect Managed financial operations through improved profit margins, increased revenues, and new revenue streamsCorrect Streamlined financial operations to increase profit margin from 12% to 18%, discovered 4 new revenue streams, and grew revenues by $6.7 million (8%) through strategic value-add pricing initiativeMistake No. 5 Targeting the Wrong CompaniesGreg showedme the list of target companies that led him to the job with His Majesty. It was a list of the stodgier Fortune 500 firms and other established, possibly declining, organizations. Greg was attracted to the idea of helping these companies turn around, but he was setting himself upto stagnate along with a stagnating firm.For his next job search,Greg did more research. After googling the top 50 startups in Austin, we came up with a great list of companies.Greg now knows he wants to work for a flat organization where all voic es are heard, where he can be mentored by upstart leaders, and where he can be a mentor to otherswithin the business.- Resume blunders can really cost you. Position yourself like the business partner youare to find a fantastic companywhere you can flourish.Lisa Rangel is founder and managing director the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Study Our smiles and frowns do not actually reflect our feelings

Study Our smiles and frowns do notlagelage actually reflect our feelingsStudy Our smiles and frowns do not actually reflect our feelingsBefore you go reading too much into your babos face for clues, know this - that smile or frown doesnt actually mean what you think it means. Too many of us are taught that our facial expressions are mirrors of our feelings. When our boss smiles, shes happy, when our coworker frowns, hes mad, were taught to believe. But recent research debunks this, finding that our facial expressions are our tools to telegraph our intentions or goals.Facial displays are not about us, but about changing the behavior of those around us, psychologists Alan Fridlund and Carlos Crivelli argued in their new paper on facial expressions.Facial expressions are not emotional statesFacial expressions are not reflections of primal feeling but are social negotiation tools. They are signals to both sender and recipient of how they want the interaction to go, Fridlund and Crivelli argue.Centuries of Western thought tells us that internal essences (emotions) are externalized via our different facial expressions. Your face looks happy, therefore you are happy. But the new behavioral ecology view of facial displays theory challenges this idea. Under it, facial expressions are not universally shared or reliable emotional vectors.Once you understand that facial expressions are road signs, not maps, you can read your coworkers scowl in a new light. Here is how to read faces under this new theorySmiling notlage as happiness, but as a way to get a person to play or affiliatePouting Not as sadness, but as a way to recruitpersons support or protectionScowling Not as anger, but as a way to influence a person to submitGasping Not as fear, but as a way to deflect persons attack via ones own submission or retreat from a conversationNose Scrunching Not as disgust, but as a rejection of the current interaction trajectoryBlank face Not as poker face of suppressed emotion, bu t as a way for the person to disengage by leading the conversation nowhereThese complex, nuanced signals show us that we are social creatures who want to manipulate the interaction to go our way. When your baby cries out when she is alone in the night, she is recruiting your care. When your boss scowls, its not actual anger, its a way for them to get you to submit and agree with their point of view.Our faces are influenced by who we are with, and what are our goals for the interaction. When we make a face, we are not exposing how we feel, in other words. We are showing what we want to happen next.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

4 tested and failed side hustles

4 tested and failed side hustles4 tested and failed side hustlesWhen Side Hustles Dont Go As PlannedMy husband says Im always scheming. No, Im elend a super-villain - what he means is that I am always looking for new and better ways to make money. Ive tried a lot of different methods to pull in cash over the years, and some have worked, but many have failed.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreToday Id like to share with you some of those tested and failed side hustles, so you dont have to make the same mistakes I did.(NOTE My results are not indicative of everyones results. This is about my experience.)Tested and Failed Side Transcription ServicesRev is an online transcription service wzu siche clients can submit audio files. People like you and I transcribe them. I welches attracted to Rev because you dont need to buy any special transcription equipment or have any prior experience to get started. All you need is yur two hands, a reliable internet connection, and some time.LikesSigning up was a relatively straightforward process.You get paid via PayPal. No waiting on checks or dealing with deposits.There is no schedule or quota. You can work as much as you want and whenever you want.There are lots of training articles and resources if you have questions.You dont need to download any special software. The transcription editor is embedded right into their website.DislikesThe quality of the audio is usually pretty poor. I had a hard time understanding what people were saying fruchtwein of the time.Other, more experienced Revvers grade your materials. This led to some inconsistencies in grading because different people grade each submission.You are paid by the audio minute, not the real-life minute. Particularly when the sound quality is terrible, you may find yourself spending an hour on a job that is paying you for ten minutes. Not good.I felt a lot of pressure to get every word right, which was sometimes impossible. Since the grading was inconsistent, I never knew if I was going to get dinged for something that I legitimately couldnt hear properly.Why It FailedWhile I think Rev is a good concept and I loved the flexibility, I just didnt find that the pay was worth the time and frustration. You do have to option to purchase and use special transcription equipment that may help with streamlining the process and filtering lousy audio, but I wasnt willing to spend the money.I dont see Rev as a huge money maker if youre trying to improve your financial situation. Hard pass.Selling on AmazonBack when I first started selling on eBay, I also tried to branch out into Amazon. I only sold one or two things before I went back to eBay exclusively, and I havent looked back since.LikesAmazons prices tend to skew higher than eBays so you can ask more for your items.Buyers on Amazon are less skeptical and dont pay much attention to your s eller rating. You can go on Amazon and sell immediately, whereas on eBay you have to spend time building up feedback before youll get consistent sales.Some argue that your items will get more exposure on Amazon because more people shop there than on eBay. I never tested this theory myself, but it could be true. Amazon is kind of taking over the world.DislikesAmazon requires you to get approval to sell in most of their categories. However, Amazon doesnt grant authorization in many categories. As a result, you end up with very few categories in which you can sell. Some categories are nearly impossible to get into because they are already saturated with sellers.Amazon has a lot of rules. For example, if you submit a photo of your product, it needs to have a hintergrund with a particular shade of white, so it blends in with their homepage. This requires a lot of photo editing, which takes up way too much time.You need permission from many brands to sell their products. For example, I bo ught some really nice mens polo shirts from Ralph Lauren online. I had a receipt to prove that they were legitimate, but Amazon wanted me to provide a letter, from Ralph Lauren, stating that I have permission to distribute their brand. Clearly, that wasnt something I was going to be able to get, so I was unable to sell my polos on Amazon. Bummer.Their website is not user-friendly. eBay is so easy that even my Dad (a man who still types with his two index fingers) can do it. I just couldnt figure out Amazons process, especially when trying to print shipping labels.Payment isnt instantly sent to your PayPal account like it is on eBay. You have to wait until Amazon pays out. I think the intervals may have been every couple of weeks, but I cant remember exactly.Amazon buyers are generally looking for new items. This knocks out a large part of my inventory. While I do have some new items, there are so many restrictions that I couldnt list most of them.Why It FailedThe single thing that d eterred me the most from selling on Amazon were all the restrictions. I was unable to find items I was allowed to sell, and I lacked the time and patience to beg my way into categories.Direct SalesI had one experience with direct sales, and it will be my last. Misguidedly, I signed up for Mary Kay back when I was about 23-24 years old. I paid about $100 to buy a product kit after attending one of their free facials with my sister. It failed horribly. I blame my young age and naivety.LikesBeing able to buy their products at a discount for myself.DislikesYou have to be that annoying person on Facebook, peddling your wares to your friends and family.Hosting those stupid home parties, where people only buy things because they feel guilted into doing so.Youre expected to call local businesses and ask if you can set up a display in their store to harass their customers into buying your products.Youre also expected to set up little boxes at said local businesses for people to enter to win a free facial. Note you dont need to win a free facial to receive one. You need to request to host a party. The facial is always free.The products are expensive.Time away from home. Hosting parties, setting up displays, and handing out samples requires you to put on pants and be out in the world. I enjoy making money from the comfort of my couch, where pants are optional.Why It FailedI dont like to harass or guilt people into buying products that they dont want or need. I dont know why I thought that I would be successful at direct sales, because I dont even like when salespeople come up to me in clothing stores to ask if I need help.Further, I questioned the practice of offering free facials as prizes when they were available for free upon request at any time. I found it misleading. When I expressed my concern, my supervisor became extraordinarily defensive and basically told me that if I didnt like it, leave. I accepted her invitation to move on, and that was the end of my career in direct sales.Selling baked goodsBaking has always been one of my favorite things to do. Ive sold a few cheesecakes to friends over the years, so I thought that it might be a good idea to try to start my own baked goods business. I dont really have likes or dislikes list for this one because I never managed to get it off the ground.Why It FailedBasically, the source of all my problems was that I couldnt bake at home. Pennsylvania home-based food business rules* state that your kitchen has to be able to pass their health inspection. Because I have two indoor cats, that wasnt going to happen. Baking at home was out.I did try to find another venue before I gave up ultimately, but commercial kitchens are scarce and expensive in my area. Renting the kitchen time wasnt all that outrageous, but renting space to store my ingredients was going to be the problem. I called the Health Department to see if it was possible to buy a separate freezer and save my ingredients at home, but that was not possible.I also called around to local churches to see if renting their kitchens was an option, but their insurance didnt cover outside people using it. Because I didnt want to invest a bunch of money into something that I wasnt sure was going to be successful yet, I gave up on the idea.*Each state has different health code rules, so if youre thinking of trying a home-based food business, check your states regulations.Should I Avoid These Tested and Failed Side Hustles Entirely?Thats really up to you. If you read what I wrote today and still want to give it a go, you should. Plenty of people are successful at these ventures, and if you think you have what it takes, I say go for it. Hopefully, if youre thinking about trying one of the above and youre still on the fence, my experience will help sway you in one direction or the other.Thats the great thing about side hustlesthey arent your primary income. If one isnt working out for you, then just quit and try another. You really ne ed to find a side hustle that is personalized to you and is something that youre going to enjoy.After all, if were all mostly miserable at our real jobs, we cant be unhappy at our side hustles too.This article first appeared on Money Geek.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Choosing Good Cashier Duties Resume

Choosing Good Cashier Duties Resume The Cashier Duties Resume Cover Up You might need to answer questions regarding the products that you sell or store policies. The better part of the themes will be given by named, continue posting specialists and therefore the item quality is really great. Moreover, you also need to add your particular background as a legal professional in numerous fields like business, immigration, government or maybe a combination of different specialties. Finally, make aya to compose an original statement for each and every job that you make an application for, so the organization perceives what makes you a fantastic suit for that specific job. When youre designing your work application goal, you must concentrate on particular abilities and experiences that are directly connected to the job. Avoiding temptation and respecting the job cant only prevent legal issues, but might also cause advancement opportunities within the organization. You may use the w ork application objective whenever youre concentrating on any particular job. Apart from their sales capabilities and their capacity to be quite smooth, fast and efficient for the job, it is quite important they have the proper customer relation skills too. The 30-Second Trick for Cashier Duties Resume The cashier must set the items on a scale to find an accurate weight and has to enter the code corresponding to the item so the register knows the suitable amount to charge. To remove the webpage, attempt to bring you to ultimately the table so that you want to end it with large note. If you are working to use a modified block format and youve never done so in your life, it is most likely best to use a complete block format. plektron the appropriate information for your distinct cashier position from this detailed job description. A cashier is usually required to count their cash drawer before and after a shift to make certain that it includes the right sum of money in compari son to daily sales records. At supermarkets and some stores, she is also required to know the product codes, as most billing is done with the help of computers and product codes. If you would like to work as a Grocery Store Cashier, concentrate on the subsequent. The Walmart cashier ought to be ready to work at quite speedy pace, particularly during holiday sessions when people would have more time to see the shop. What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Cashier Duties Resume If you would like to turn into a cashier, you essentially have to be real quick with handling cash, and have good standard arithmetic and communication abilities. Although some cashier duties might differ based on the place you work, the fundamental responsibilities are alike across the board. The fundamental duties of a cashier also demand a high degree of efficiency and accuracy. The duties and obligations of a cashier may extend away from the lunchroom. Hearsay, Lies and Cashier Duties Resume It is i mperative that you need to believe like your possible firm. Cashiers are generally regarded as entry-level workers, meaning no specialized skills are required normally. Dont think you dont have sufficient cashier experience to acquire the job. When you advertise a cashier job, you need to focus on attracting the kind of employee your company requirements. You are going to want to take into consideration the kind of work you honestly chance to be interested in being employed to finish. Among the absolute most critical design choices that might be produced on your continue is the font. When youre searching for a job for a gas station cashier, you stand a possibility of being hired even if its the case that you dont have lots of experience. Use the search box to find just what you want to find.Youre ready to comprehend why you begin with an objective can actually undermine the potency of the remainder of your continue whether the remainder of the resume may be a work of genius. The other badeanstalt thing about career targets is the true truth it can be too specific. To begin with, you will probably avoid the job, because companies are therefore specific concerning the skill pieces they need to get. A follow-up at the correct time can set you top of mind and receive the interview. If youre looking for Sample Resume Cashier Grocery Store youve come to the proper spot. Your resume was made to sell 1 productyou. Cashier Duties Resume at a Glance Once you have reviewed our cashier job description samples and made a work listing for your enterprise, take some opportunity to examine our interview questions for cashiers. Its easy to write that type of cover letter for cashier work. A cashier should be efficient also, else the chance of long check-out lines and disgruntled customers can quickly arise. Many young folks are cashiers.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

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Saturday, November 30, 2019

How to Fire Yourself and Hire a Replacement

How to Fire Yourself and Hire a Replacement As a CEO/founder of a successful geschftsleben you are likely to find yourself in the unique position of kompetenzprofilly having to fire yourself and hiring a replacement (crazy as this may sound. Yes, a HBR study shows that just 50 percent of CEOs remain in control after 3 years, 40 percent after 4 years and less than 25 percent were leading their company at IPO. It stands to reason, really, because the skills required to lead an early stage idea/start-up are different than what is required to manage and administer a successful going concern. And many founders/CEOs do not possess those latter stage business skills, cannot adapt and they can be a liability or limit the growth of the business as a result. This is why founders/CEOs are often forcibly removed (or coerced) as most dont want to relinquish control. The problem is that forced founder/CEO abdication can lead to fallout, which can harm the business. This is why I think founders/CE Os should contemplate abdicating of their own volition if they feel the time is right, and they are struggling to manage the concern effectively. This doesnt have to mean dislocating yourself from the organization but it can mean relinquishing the supreme control that founders/CEOs often retain over every part of the business. There are several ways to do it.For example, you could split the CEO role in two and retain control over the parts that you excel in, which could be the more technical or product related areas of the business, and perhaps an external professional could focus on operations, sales and marketing. Or vice versa.Alternately, you could move out of day-to-day operations into a board role or perhaps more of a strategic consultant role so you can focus on what you do best, which could be ideas, innovation or thought leadership.The beauty of it is that having built this great firm you can choose to cherry pick the role you want, to a degree, as long as it can fit into a sensible operating structure. And after its all done, you might even feel relieved. And of course, just because you dont excel at something you dont necessarily have to relinquish control as long as you can adapt and develop skills in those areas.So, as you can see, there are many quite palatable options and scenarios around voluntarily firing yourself as founder/CEO. And if it is something you are ready to do, one of the first things you should do is take an honest look at your own strengths and weaknesses and begin to develop a range of potential abdication scenarios much like I have described above. Each scenario should constitute, at the very least, an organization chart showing your role and duties in the new structure and the role and duties of the incoming CEO and other key executives. And it goes without saying that you should try and focus your role around your strengths and relinquish a reas where you are weak.Having completed this exercise you can go to the market and search for CEO or high-level management talent. Its vital to be flexible, which is why I suggested a range of scenarios, as you can never be sure what talent is available and you may wish to adapt your internal structure in order to fit in a particularly promising CEO candidate.Of course, this is a highly simplified outline of the process and principles of founder/CEO abdication, and in reality, this would be a long consultative process requiring input from a range of key stakeholders.Good luck with your enterprise.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

8 simple things you can do today to be richer in 2019

8 simple things you can do today to be richer in 20198 simple things you can do today to be richer in 2019Building wealth is all aboutplanning for the long run.Thats why small, simple decisions you make today - like where you stash your savings or how much of your income youre spending on housing - are so important.When John, anearly retireeand blogger,interviewed 100 mioaires, he disdeckblatted many of them did the exact same thing to get there They earned a lot, saved a ton, and invested for a long time.Below, weve rounded up eight things you can do right now to set yourself up for a rich future.Set up automatic savingsYou can take the biggest step toward building wealth in 10 minutes at your computer.Setting up auto savingstakes the effort and thought out of saving money.If you set up a 401(k) through your employer, your contribution will typically be automatic, so thats a great place to start. If you want to save a portion of your after-tax income, you can connect multiple acco unts to your direct deposit and designate how much money from every paycheck will move into each account.By saving off the top, an amazing thing will happen,saidSean, a 28-year-old blogger who goes by The Money Wizard and has saved over $260,000. You wont even notice all the missed money, and you wont even have to adjust your lifestyle to meet your savings goals. Your spending will instead mold around whats left, leaving you feeling like youre living just as great of a lifestyle, all while saving a fortune.Ask for a raise - or change jobsHourly wages for US workers have risen less than 1% in the past year,according to the Economic Policy Institute. And despite the average Americanbelieving they deserve a raise, more than70% arent asking for one.Negotiating your starting salary - and continuing to negotiate every few years or when you start a new job - could makea $1 million differencein your lifetime earnings.Take a page out ofsupermodel and entrepreneur Tyra Banksbook whenasking for a raise You need to sit there and talk about your value. Talk about what you have done that has increased revenues, increased engagement, or how youve been working from nine to nine, even though you are only supposed to be working from nine to six. You dont need a raise, deserve a raise.The key to earning more money may be switching jobs, according to an analysis from financial services companyNomura. Employees who changed jobs earned about 1% more year-over-year than those who stayed with the same employer.Job switchers likely experience stronger bargaining power and greater salary increases when more opportunities are available or they find a new higher-paid role that better matches their talents, according to the report.Put your money in a high-yield savings accountHaving too much money in yourchecking accountcould hold you back from building wealth.Keep about a months salary in your checking account so you can easily pay your bills each month. Once you have that, start bui lding up at least three months worth of expenses in an emergency fund.Allowing your checking account to overflow beyond whats necessary means youre missing out on the benefit ofcompound interest, which is the snowball effect applied to your money.Store your savings in ahigh-yield savings account, where you could be earning 1% interest on your money, rather than the 0.01% earned in a traditional checking or savings account.Or invest it in the stock marketIf youre part ofthe 46% of millennialsstaying out of the stock market because its too risky, you could be leaving millions of dollars on the table.Based on average market returns and interest rates from the past 40 years,NerdWallet calculatedthat investing in stocks (including in retirement accounts) would lead to $4.57 million by age 65. Thats accounting for annual investment fees of 0.70% but not adjusted for inflation.Keeping the money in a traditional savings account - which 63% of millennials are doing today,according to a Nerd Wallet survey- would result in $1.27 million by retirement, before adjusting for inflation.The potential opportunity cost to staying out of the market over four decades? About $3.3 million.Low-cost index and exchange-traded funds are great options if you want to be more hands on target-date funds and robo-advisers might be a better fit if youd like someone or something else to do the work, says Arielle OShea, the investing and retirement specialist at NerdWallet.The most important thing is to invest now. Wasted time now equals less money later.Find cheaper housingIf youre part of theone-third of Americans who overpay for housing, start by looking for a place that meets the voreingestellt measure of affordability 30% or less of pretax income.But if you can find a place that allows you to spend 25% or less of your after-tax income on housing, your savings account will thank you.Sean, aka The Money Wizard, said finding cheap housing in an affordable city was one of the best financial moves hes made. His advice? Youll get more bang for your buck if you live outside the trendy areas - and you probably need less space than you think.Even billionaire Warren Buffet keeps his housing costs low.Buffett lives in a modest housethats worth .001% of his total wealth.Buy a rental propertyInvesting in real estate and buying a home to live in aretwo very different things. When you buy a home to live in long term, youre not guaranteed to earn a return on your investment, especially in the near future.If you have cash to invest, buying a home or apartment building as a rental property gives you, the investor,the power to determine your profits.In the end, the rental income you earn may be enough to cover the mortgage and possibly more. Thats different from expecting a big return when it comes time to sell a home. And its a great way to make money off of real estate now rather than down the road.Increase your 401(k) contributionOne of the best parts about saving in a 401(k) is that the contributions are taken directly out of your paycheck, before you have a chance to spend the money elsewhere. Youll also get tax benefits, and, if your company offers it, free money in the form of a 401(k) match.It takes very little time to log in to the online dashboard for your companys plan to change the percentage youre contributing. Push the amount as high as you can realistically handle, up to the annual maximum of $19,000 if youre under age 50 ($25,000 if youre 50 or older) in 2019.A good starting point, if youre new to this, is to save 5% more than youre doing today. If that amount is 0%, then go up to 5%. If youre already saving 10%, push it to 15%. If youre afraid to go that high, try something smaller to start. Its easy to log in and increase it again once you adjust to the slightly smaller paycheck.At a minimum, if your company offers a match, make sure you contribute enough to get it. If you hit the maximum amount, dont stop saving for retirement there. You can contribute to an IRA in addition to your 401(k).Try a backdoor Roth IRA if your income is highTheRoth IRAis a popular retirement account recommended often by financial experts, but it presents a challenge for high earners thanks to IRS-imposed income restrictions for who can contribute, and how much.To directly contribute the maximum amount to a Roth IRA - $6,000 in 2019- you have to earn less than $122,000 as a single taxpayer or $193,000 if youre married and file taxes jointly with your spouse.If you earn more, a strategy called the backdoor Roth IRA could help.UsingRoth IRA conversions, the strategy allows you to contribute to a non-deductible traditional IRA and then convert the funds to a Roth IRA. You wont get two tax benefits today - the first contribution to a traditional IRA wont give you a tax break, but at least it gives you the long-term benefit of tax-free investment growth in a Roth IRA.If you already have tax-deductible traditional IRA accounts, this strategy become s a lot more complex. In that case, its worthwhile to reach out to an accountant or financial planner for guidance.This article was originally published on BusinessInsider.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

4 Things to Know About Managing and Working With Millennials

4 Things to Know About Managing and Working With Millennials4 Things to Know About Managing and Working With MillennialsPeople are often throwing around the term Millennials and making generalizations about how they act (especially in the office). But do the myths about the work habits of Millennials hold water?The infographic below shows some of the biggest obstacles and motivators for Millennial professionals. The biggest takeaway Not all of them are super lazy. Really.Infographic courtesy of Collegefeed. Photo of man working courtesy of Shutterstock.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Why You Should Write a Follow-Up Thank-You Note After an Interview

Why You Should Write a Follow-Up Thank-You Note After an Interview Why You Should Write a Follow-Up Thank-You Note After an Interview Writing a thank-you note after a job interview is more than a matter of just being polite. A follow-up thank-you note can be the difference between getting the job, or not. A recent survey of recruiters  conducted by TopResume, a major resume-writing service, found that 68% of job applicants who dont send a follow-up thank-you note are jeopardizing their own candidacy. The survey, based on responses from 358 recruiting and hiring professionals, is great confirmation of the fact that responsiveness matters. So cast aside thinking that says the interview is over when you shake hands (even virtually), and bring the conversation to a polite conclusion. When the actual interview ends, the exchange is far from over. Check out these reasons why a follow-up thank-you note matters: No thank-you note could mean no job. The TopResume survey found that one of every 16 recruiters automatically dismissed job candidates who didnt follow up the interview with a note of thanks. Dont be daunted if youre a job candidate whos just completed an interview with a great potential employer. There are lots of great tips for writing a post-job interview thank-you note that can help you figure out timing (sooner is better than later); wording (short and to the point is best); and ways to properly address the recipient. Youre holding up the decision-making process. Its not all about you, after all. Getting a response in the form of a follow-up thank-you note or other acknowledgement of the job interviewing process is often a meaningful part of the checklist that hiring managers use to evaluate the candidate pool. So if youre lagging behind in writing a winning thank-you note, you may be delaying the hiring decision not just for yourself, but for other candidates too. Dont mark yourself as one of the impolites. According to the TopResume survey, one-third of all job candidates never even bother to send a note of thanks to the gatekeeper in the job hiring process, i.e., the person theyre trying to impress. Sending a thank-you email, or even a paper thank-you note  (old-school for sure) can help you stand out in the crowd. A thank-you note gives you a leg up. The TopResume survey concluded that 7% of job candidates  never  send notes of thanks after a job interview. Thats a pretty stunning statistic, especially considering that most given job openings are fairly competitive. Dont put yourself in the category of candidates who- for whatever reason- decide that its not worth your time to dash off a note of thanks to someone who may be your future boss. Here are three steps to consider to give yourself an edge in your job search: 1. One of the best job search hacks to give you an edge  is all about knowing your worth in the job search market. That means being savvy about knowing what your skills are worth and understanding how to negotiate during the interview process. 2. Make sure that you understand  why social media is important  when youre looking for work.  Its still a truism that lots of people who frequent social media see it as a fun and entertaining way to while away the hours. For job searchers, social media is not just personal, but can be a powerful way to connect with potential employers, on their own terms. 3. Looking to win out the job competition? Doing your research to scope out what employers are seeking and how you might best meet their needs can give you an advantage over your competition. Staying nimble and flexible can offer you a great way to win out over your job search competitors.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Questions to Ask an Interviewer [+15 Examples]

Questions to Ask an Interviewer [+15 Examples] Questions to Ask an Interviewer Questions to Ask An Interviewer My first professional job interview was when I was 18 years old. As a first-year business student, I wanted to gain experience working in an office environment, so I tried to get an admin job in an insurance firm.Heading into the interview, I was worried about my lack of relevant experience. Still, as the interview wore on, I built a convincing case for how the skills I had gained through school and working in a customer service role made me a fit for the position.After about 30 minutes we reached the end of their question line. The interviewers shuffled their papers in front of them, and one of them said, “Is there anything you’d like to ask us?”Top Questions to Ask An InterviewerHave I answered all your questions, or is there something you’d like me to clarify?Do you have any hesitations about my qualifications?What do you like most about working here?What new skills can I hope to learn here?What is the next step in the process?Who would I be working closest with, or reporting to, on a daily basis?Beyond some of the hard skills we’ve discussed, which soft skills would be most helpful in this position?Can you tell me if I would get the chance to be involved with this (project/initiative/etc.)?I knew enough not to ask what salary they were offering. It didn’t even matter to me since my primary goal was to gain some relevant business experience.But I hadn’t given much thought to what I wanted to learn from the meeting. Wasn’t the purpose for them to interview me?So I responded with something like “Uhhh…not really.”I didn’t get the job.Now, I can’t say for sure that it was my lack of intelligent questions that prevented me from getting the job. But I’m sure it didn’t help.Many years later, I’ve had the chance to interview for several positions, and I have been on the opposite side of the table by interviewing candidates. Through both perspectives, I’ve learned that the job interview is not, and sho uld not, be one-sided. It’s really like going on a first date.Conversation Not InterviewThe purpose of an interview isn’t only to put the candidate on the hot-seat. Yes, the pressure to perform falls unequally on the person seeking a job, but, ultimately, it’s an opportunity for both sides to learn from one another. As a candidate, this means you should be ready to both answer questions and ask them.This may seem obvious to you. Unlike the 18-year-old version of myself, you have probably already interviewed for a job and know that towards the end of the interview you are given a chance to ask questions.Less obvious are the types of questions you should ask. Here it’s important to remember the three goals you should have for the interview:Demonstrate your interest in the role and the companyPersuade the potential employer that you have the skills and experience they seekIdentify if the job and the organization is the right fit for you.The questions you ask can serve all three goals. However, I want to stress that it’s not just what you ask, but how and when you ask it. Be strategic. In line with goal #1 above, you want the interviewer to perceive you as genuinely curious. If you simply ask out of formality, it will show.For this reason, go into the interview with questions that you should ask and that you could ask. The difference being certain questions are context-dependent based on what you’ve discussed throughout the interview. Here’s what I mean.Job Interview Questions You SHOULD Ask the Interviewer1. Have I answered all your questions, or is there something you’d like me to clarify?Why: This should be the first thing you ask after the interviewer has completed his or her question line. It shows the interviewer that you are engaged in the conversation and that you care that you are understood, a sign of a good communicator. Chances are the interviewer will respond with ‘no,' but in case they do want to revisit something, you now have the chance to fill in any gaps in your previous answers.2. Do you have any hesitations about my qualifications?Why: No, it isn’t crazy to draw attention to why you might not get the position. This question is very poignant, forcing the interviewer to tell you where you stand. If he or she feels you lack in a certain area, you can provide some reassurance of your capabilities, or your ability to pick up new skills. The question also shows maturity and that you aren’t afraid to talk about your weaknesses.3. What do you like most about working here?Why: This is an opportunity to connect with the people sitting across from you on a human level. You will show them that you are personable, not a robot. Further, it can help you identify if the organization is the right fit for you. Pay close attention to the person’s answer and body language.4. What new skills can I hope to learn here?Why: Employers appreciate candidates who can see themselves growing with their company. This question sh ows that you are serious about personal development and want a work environment where you can learn from others around you.5. What is the next step in the process?Why: Timing is everything with this one. It should be your final question since it sends the signal that you don’t’ have anything further that you want to share about yourself or learn about the position/organization. It’s also a very practical question since you’ll find out when you might hear next from them.Job Interview Questions You COULD Ask the Interviewer6. Who would I be working closest with, or reporting to, on a daily basis?Why: Job satisfaction, or dissatisfaction, has a lot to do with the people you interact with each day. So why not get a sense of the level of collaboration and team dynamic you can expect from a new job? Some people work best when they are given a high degree of independence; others want their manager to be nurturing. This question will help you determine whether the role matches your needs.7. Beyond some of the hard skills we’ve discussed, which soft skills would be most helpful in this position?Why: Chances are that the job description that attracted you to the position listed all the hard skills the employer is seeking. And the bulk of most interviews is spent on discussing these elements. If by the end of the interview little attention has been paid to soft skills (adaptability, teamwork, initiative, etc.), be sure to raise this question. Again, it will help you determine the type of personality that fits best in the role.8. Can you tell me if I would get the chance to be involved with this (project/initiative/etc.)?Why: The best way to show that you are genuinely interested in the position is to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the company. If you’ve done your research ahead of time, you will have uncovered parts of the organization’s business that interest you. Don’t be afraid to ask whether your work will touch these areas.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Keywords to Include in Your Resume

Keywords to Include in Your Resume Keywords to Include in Your Resume We’ve said a lot recently about the use of keywords by recruiting professionals when it comes to locating the best and brightest talent for mission-critical positions.  The rationale is simple. If you’re in the business of appearing in searches you want to be sure that your listings have the keywords to help you be seen. It only makes sense, then, that the same logic would apply to would-be employees looking to get their resume out there.  To get the most exposure to recruiting professionals, hiring managers and more, applicants should ensure their keyword game is on point with a thorough review and update. The Rise of ATS In addition, many employers are increasingly relying on applicant tracking systems (ATS) to scan submitted resumes for relevant terms and phrases and then spit out a “percentage match” report.  While great for employers and time savings, this automated system means that your next online application submitted resume most likely won’t be reviewed by an actual person. If the program doesn’t find the words it’s been asked to search for, your resume will quickly get filed in the “thanks but no thanks” category. What’s in a Keyword So now that we’ve sold you on the need for good keyword inclusion, let’s get down to the specifics for selecting the best terms.  If you’re new to the keyword game, it may be a bit daunting at the outset. One of the easiest way to determine what should and should not (more on that later) be in your resume is to perform your own search.  Starting by Googling your job title or performing a search for your position on a resume search site, such as Simply Hired. Peruse a variety of open or even archived positions in your specific field. Look for commonly used words and characteristics and be sure your resume matches up. For example, a nurse practitioner position may require certifications or degrees or experience in specific billing or patient management portals.  Include these terms on your resume if you have those specific abilities. The same logic should be applied to other industries as well. If your position consistently requires attention to detail or the ability to work long hours, for example, consider creating a skills section on your resume that lists those qualities to ensure the in person or ATS review of your resume flags you for potential follow up. What to Leave Out A quick note of follow up when it comes to keyword selection.  Most effective resumes are limited to a single page of space. It pays, then, to make your word choice count.  Inactive or undescriptive filler such as “worked”, “performed”, or “wrote”, aren’t going to get you flagged by any type of human or machine review and take up vital room for your real skills and abilities.  Consider using industry and task-specific words whenever possible. When you must use verbs, be sure they’re active and powerful such as “managed”, “achieved” or “outperformed” in order to get the biggest bang for your buck. When all else fails, ask your colleagues or industry peers if they’d mind sharing their successful resumes.  It’s always good to hear what has worked for other professionals in your field and use that advice as a starting point for success.  With that in mind, have keyword advice you’d like to share with other Simply Hired readers? Drop us a line in the comments below on your keyword best practices for interview resume optimization.

Sunday, November 17, 2019


Diver Navy NEC Codes - Special Warfare/EOD / Diver In Naval Special Warfare and Naval Special Operations there are classes of divers that have specific jobs. As Navy SEALs, the missions require diving, underwater explosives, and travelling long distances submerged as a swimmer on SCUBA or within a mini-submarine. Rarely do the SEALs dive deep in the ocean vertically, but they will travel for miles horizontally at about 15-20 feet underwater. However, in the Explosives Ordnance Disposal side of the Navy, the men and women who dive to disarm explosives (mines, missiles, torpedoes, etc) will dive in special SCUBA gear that is non-metallic to avoid setting off explosives underwater at either deep or shallow depths. The Navy Diving community are salvage divers using hardhat-surface-supplied air as well as open circuit and will dive deep depths to fix equipment, build structures, weld ships (SeaBee Divers), find lost equipment such as planes, or even locate nuclear weapons. The NEC System To Distinguish the Diving Communities The Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) system supplements the enlisted rating structure in identifying personnel on active or inactive duty and billets in manpower authorizations. NEC codes identify a non-rating wide skill, knowledge, aptitude, or qualification that must be documented to identify both people and billets for management purposes. Below are the NECs for the Special Warfare/Special Operations community area: 5301 UDT/SEAL Candidate5304 Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC)5305 Joint Terminal Attack Controller Instructor (JTAC-I)5309 Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit (EODMU) Apprentice5320- 5328 Special Warfare Combatant Swimmers Assignment of NECs 5323 and 5326 are contingent upon successful completion of BUD/S training and six months of SEAL Qualification Training (SQT). For SDV personnel, they will also have to finish SQT, then add another six-month requirement upon reporting to SDV school or to an SDV team, whichever is earlier. SEAL and SDV mission information is contained in the appropriate Naval Special Warfare publications or may be made available on a need to know basis from CNO (N761). These missions are typically sensitive material and only military or government personnel with the appropriate clearances will be able to be involved with them. See NAVMILPERSMAN 1220-100 for details on screening and qualifications. The following NECs are job skills that many SEALs (SO) and Special Warfare Combatant Crewmen (SWCC - SB) are offered throughout their career. Many of these are also non-diving related as these warriors work on land, air, and sea. 5320 Basic Combatant Swimmer5323 SDV Pilot/Navigator/DDS Operator5326 Combatant Swimmer (SEAL)5328 Very Shallow Water Mine Countermeasures Operator (VSW MCM Operator) (APPLIES TO: AB, AO, BM, BU, CM, EM, EN, EO, ET, GM, HM, HT, IC, MM, MN, OS, MC, PR,QM, IT, SK, STG, TM)5350 Special Warfare Combatant Crewman (SWCC) Basic5352 Special Warfare Combatant Crewman (SWCC) Advanced5392 Naval Special Warfare Medic (APPLIES TO: SO, SB) Explosive Ordnance Disposal Diving Community (EOD) The following NECs are the EOD Diving Communitys skill sets which all include diving. The underwater explosives piece done by Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal is what separates the Navy EOD professionals from other military branch explosives experts. 5330 Apprentice Diver (Student Status) (APPLIES TO: EOD)5332 Basic EOD Technician-Reserves (APPLIES TO: EOD)5333 Basic EOD Technician (APPLIES TO: EOD)5334 Senior EOD Technician-Reserves5335 Senior EOD Technician (APPLIES TO: EOD)5336 Master EOD Technician-Reserves5337 Master EOD Technician5339 Ordnance Clearance Diver Navy Diving Community (ND) 5341 Master Diver (APPLIES TO: ND)5342 Diver First Class (APPLIES TO: ND)5343 Diver Second Class (APPLIES TO: ND)5344 Submarine SCUBA Diver5345 Scuba Diver5348 Marine Mammal Systems Operator5375 Salvage/Construction Demolition Diver (ND / Seabee) To join any of the Navy Diving Skilled Communities within the Navy, see a recruiter and ask to be a part of any of these specific jobs: Navy SEAL, Navy EOD, Navy SWCC, or Navy Diver. Though the SWCC community does not require diving, they are placed in the same group during the delayed entry program (DEP) while going through the enlisted process. They will also have the same fitness test as Navy SEAL, EOD, and Diver and attend Navy Special Warfare Prep Course after attending and graduating from Great Lakes Boot Camp. After the Prep Course, the four groups will go their separate ways and attend the related school for their NEC. Both Navy Diver and EOD will go through the same dive school but will change course as they advance toward their job descriptions of either salvage diver or underwater explosives expert.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Phone calls 101 For Millennials

Phone calls 101 For Millennials Phone calls 101 For Millennials Phone calls are coming back in a big way. And if picking up the phone for a quick conversation isn’t quite your default yet, it might be in the near future.After years of being on the wane in favor of Slack, social media, texting or emailing, the humble phone call seems to be gaining favor again. While some people break into a cold sweat at the sound of their phone ringing, Sherry Turkle, founder of MIT’s Initiative on Technology and Self explained in her book Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk In The Digital Age, that teens and young adults are ready to move away from communicating solely through their devices. Turkle explains that people are starting to feel isolated and are ready for more interactive ways of communicating- specifically calling and talking.The benefits of a quick callWant a quick yes or no instead of 10 emails worth of runaround? Who doesn’t? Want to gauge someone’s interest by maybe picking up the nuance in their voice instead of the emoji on their text? Just pick up the phone! And with phone time suddenly gaining an edge over Facetime, it’s time to up your phone game.Reclaim a lost artRealtor Eliisa Stowell, of The Relegance, who will soon be appearing on “Real Estate Wars” on Bravo believes people have really lost the art of speaking on the phone. “I feel that a personal call is so much more effective than an email that nobody reads or even opens. Her phone calls were recorded for the new show and she explained that calls are a big part of her every day business since “Connecting with our clients, negotiating deals and doing business in general happens over the phone every day. You have to feel comfortable with those calls and be good at communicating when you are not face-to-face.”Calling is such an important part of her business, Stowell is cognizant of the importance in other people’s professions as well. “When I get a “sales” call from somebody I know, I really appreciate the effort and try to take t ime to catch up. “Cold” calling is different though. It requires a lot of patience and acceptance that you will face a lot of rejection” Stowell said.Prep yourselfHow can you become better at cold calling while not falling into a pit of despair each time you’re faced with rejection? Stowell thinks “positive attitude and energy can be heard through the phone.” She also advises doing “a little “rally” before each call to prep yourself.” And in case you’re wondering what to do when faced with voice mail, Stowell always leaves voice mails. “The recipient will appreciate the time and effort and if you don’t leave a message, you don’t care enough,” she explains. That said, try not to leave a passive or unsure message. “Always leave a call to action message where they feel they may get something if they call back,” Stowell says. For example, she continues, “I have several buyers ready to make an offer on a property in your neighborhood. Would you be will ing to look at an offer if I brought you a great one?”Embrace your accent or regional soundDon’t worry about your heavy accent or regionalisms, it could end up making you more recognizable in a good way. When I started my first job straight out of high school, I spent a lot of time answering phones. My bosses explained that while the clients loved me, they couldn’t always understand my heavy Brooklynese accent. I took the not so veiled hint and worked to lose it. These days, I sound great on the phone but my voice lacks any kind of regional imprimatur, and to be honest, sometimes I miss it. Stowell has a Swedish accent and counts herself lucky “in the way that people remember my accent or are curious about where I’m from.” That said, when in conversation with others on the phone, Stowell also tries to remember to mimic “their tonality and speed of their speaking voice.”You win some, you lose someNo matter how great you sound or how clear your message, cold calling is “a numbers game so always just remember that,” says Stowell. “It will take a lot of calls, energy and rejection but there is always that one person that will say YES.” And to improve the odds, she advises never calling if you’re in a bad mood or not up for the challenge “ They will hear your hesitation, fear or anxiety in your voice.”Before you dial Write a script â€" it doesn’t have to be long and it certainly shouldn’t be too long, but create an outline of the reason you’re calling, why you’re worth speaking to and what you hope to accomplish â€" even if that’s simply setting up another call. Introduce yourself  Ã¢€"  don’t assume that everyone has or uses Caller ID. Offer your name, title and even reason for calling before launching into your schpiel Realize their time is valuable â€" even when cold calling, ask if it’s an okay time to talk; if it isn’t, ask for a better time. Role play  Ã¢€" If you’re nervous about how you might sound, try practicing with a colleague before you dial. Say thank you  Ã¢€" Even if they reject your offer, realize that they generously gave you some of their time. Good manners might get you in the door next time around.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

72 hours in Louisville the Kentucky bourbon trail

72 hours in Louisville the Kentucky bourbon trail 72 hours in Louisville the Kentucky bourbon trail In Kentucky, horses are everything; except maybe for bourbon.   I thought I knew enough about the legendary liquid â€" how to make a perfect Manhattan.   But when I hit the Kentucky Bourbon Trail, an integral part of a visit to Louisville, Kentucky, my Manhattans were infinitely improved.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!Bourbon history is intertwined with Kentucky traditions, not the least of which is the Kentucky Derby, which takes place annually in this compact metropolis. I had (sadly) missed the world famous race but had at least been successful in quaffing its emblematic drink, the Mint Julep. To me, it’s a cocktail that conjures a grand plantation scene on a Hollywood backlot, and I’ve learned the hard way that a Julep is either fantastic or terrible, i.e. polar opposites. It has a lot to do with who’s behind the bar, the freshness of the mint, and just what kind of bourbon is poured inside the tin cup.I’ll never forget my first, sipped in a French Quarter Bar in  New Orleans  after a boiling day.   It was a disaster. I wondered what had catapulted it to iconic status, then later understood completely after I had a serious sit down tasting session of a slew of hallowed bourbon brands.Bourbon takes its name from Bourbon County, Kentucky, once the major shipping site for spirits headed down the Ohio River to New Orleans. It’s been declared by Congress “America’s Official Native Spirit” and plays a big part in Kentucky craftsmanship and tradition as practically all of it is distilled and aged there. Not surprisingly, the production process is mandated by law:   bourbon must be made with at least 51% corn and aged in new, white oak barrels, the insides charred which imparts the amber color.   It’s aged a minimum of 2 years although some of the small batch varieties are aged up to eight.The Kentucky Bourbon Trail is found by driving about an hour or so outside the city and it stretches roughly 75 miles East to West from Lexington to Loretto. Its rolling bluegrass hills are dotted with warehouses and distilleries, including well-known brands like Four Roses, Woodford Reserve, and Maker’s Mark. Some have elaborate visitors centers with guided tours, tastings, and plenty of America’s favorite brown spirit on hand to take home. The perfect weather on the day of our outing only added to the scenic wonderland, and the small towns dotted here and there were full of surprises.But in my mind, there’s no better place to celebrate Louisville’s bourbon heritage than the Lobby Bar of The Brown Hotel.   After admiring a massive sculpted iron timepiece perched on a pedestal outside the entrance, I enter the downstairs lobby, the walls graced with replicas of famous works of art.   I climb a grand staircase toward reception to the sound of a tinkling piano and the clinking of mint julep cups.   It’s Happy Hour and th e Brown is abuzz. The hotel, a historic property from 1923 that reeks of wealth and power, is the epicenter of downtown Louisville. It breathes refinement, and the interior decoration is over the top. With elaborately carved coffered ceilings, porticoed arches and supersized Chinese jardinieres, the lobby looks like a place where J. Paul Getty would be right at home.   Enormous iron chandeliers with yellow shades emit a diffused copper glow and the bar is bathed in it. We score one of only 4 seats, no easy feat even on a weeknight!When we tell Tad, our barman, that we’re on a mission to try the perfect Mint Julep, he perks up. Glancing at the myriad of bourbon choices on the shelves, he singles out a Four Roses 12 yr. blended small batch and suggests we try it neat.   I feel an instant connection to the brand as it was a favorite of my parents when I was a kid. And we’d had a tasting at the distillery in Lawrenceburg the day before that won us over.   The liquid is intensely fla vorful with notes of ripened red berries and hints of caramel; it goes down easy. “Yup, Tad, that’s the one,” we bellow.   In minutes he has muddled the mint, measured the spirit, and added the ice and simple syrup.   Deftly bringing the mixture to life and coolness with his coiled bar spoon, he slowly slides the cups in our direction.   “Now that one is my opus,” he proudly roars.   We’ve longed for this first sip and are finally getting it. Mere minutes go by before we’ve hit bottom.   You know what?   He was right. But we’re just getting warmed up and have a whole lot more bourbon to drink. Tomorrow is Sunday after all!www.gotolouisville.comWho to Visit on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail:Four Roses â€" 1224 Bonds Mill Road, Lawrenceburg, 502-839-2655; www.fourrosesbourbon.comWoodford Reserve â€" 7855 McCracken Pike, Versailles, 859-879-1812; www.woodfordreserve.comHeaven Hill Bourbon Heritage Center â€" 1311 Gilkey Run Rd., Bardstown, 502-337-1000; www.bourbonheritagec enter.comWild Turkey â€" 1417 Versailles Rd., Lawrenceburg, 502-839-2182; www.wildturkeybourbon.comMaker’s Mark â€" 3350 Burk’s Spring Rd., Loretto, 270-865-2099; www.makersmark.comWorth a Detour:Buffalo Trace â€" This is the world’s most award-winning distillery just outside of Frankfort, the capital. It’s technically not on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail but its positioning on 200 acres in the heart of bourbon country and visitors center offering 5 different tours are impressive (not to mention the legendary liquids you’ll sample). 113 Great Buffalo Trace, Franklin County, Frankfort,  502-696-5926; www.buffalotracedistillery.comDistilleries in Lousiville:The Evan Williams Bourbon Experience â€" 528 West Main St., Louisville, 502-272-2611; www.evanwilliams.comAngel’s Envy â€"   500 East Main St., Louisville, 502-890-6300;  www.angelsenvy.comCopper Kings â€" When you finally need a break from bourbon check out this state of the art, architecturally relevant brandy distille ry in the heart of Butchertown. 1121 East Washington St., Butchertown, 502-561-0267;  www.copperandkings.comWhere to Stay:The Brown â€" Long on luxury and elegance, it’s THE place to stay if you’re headed to the Derby. Suggest you book at least 6 months ahead. Don’t miss a few bites of the Hot Brown, Louisville’s official sandwich, at J. Graham’s on the lower level. 355 West Broadway, Louisville, 502-583-1234;  www.brownhotel.com21C Museum Hotel â€" Flip the coin and you have the opposite of The Brown.   This super avant-garde, art infused hang out is close to the waterfront and blends over the top contemporary surroundings with superb hospitality. 700 West Main Street, Louisville, 502-217-6300;  www.21cmuseumhotel.comWhere to Eat Drink:Jack Fry’s â€" Revel in the feeling of yesteryear at this super cool landmark tavern.   1007 Bardstown Rd., Louisville, 502-452-9244;  www.jackfrys.comMayan Café â€" Chef Bruce Ucan serves up his native Mayan cuisine using Kentucky ingr edients.   In a word, unforgettable!   813 E. Market St., Louisville, 502-566-0651;  www.themayancafe.comHarvest â€" The only farmer-owned restaurant in town where 80% of everything served is sourced within 100 miles, including the bourbon! Order the memorable buttermilk fried chicken.   624 East Market St., Louisville, 502-384-9090;  www.harvestlouisville.comRye â€" Popular Uptown Bar Restaurant featuring a   diverse menu of outstanding comfort food. 900 East Market St., Louisville, 502-749-6200;  www.ryeonmarket.comGarage Bar â€" Located in a former garage in Louisville’s East Market District, this urban hipster bar restaurant boasts wood-fired pizzas with a Southern perspective, oysters and a ham and cheese bar with local assortments. 700 East Market Street, Louisville, 502-749-7100;  www.garageonmarket.comMussel Burger Bar â€" Experience a retrograde on the bar scene with Manhattans served in prohibition-era glassware. Nosh on the Southern Bell Burger with fried green tomat oes, a remoulade sauce and pimento cheese on a pretzel bun. 113 So. 7th St, Louisville,  502-749-6451;  www.mussel-burger-bar.comFeast BBQ â€" You’ll be wanting BBQ while you’re in Kentucky and here you’ll find some of the best.   Wash it all down with a Bourbon Slushie. 909 E Market St, Louisville, 502-749-9900;  www.feastbbq.comProof on Main â€" Excellent craft cocktails like Louisville’s own Old Fashioned or the Goldrush. 702 West Main Street, Louisville, 502-217-6365;  www.proofonmain.comMeta â€" Hipster cocktail lounge getting lots of buzz. 425 W. Chestnut St., Louisville, 502-822-6382;  www.metalouisville.comSilver Dollar â€" Cowboy up, Sparky. This whiskey honky-tonk in the Clifton neighborhood serves up the best chicken waffles with collard greens set to the sounds of vintage country on vinyl. Have your bourbon shots with Patsy Cline and Hank Sr.   1761 Frankfort Ave., Louisville, 502-259-9540; Instagram: thesilverdollarWhat to See Do:Take a Drive through the Butc hertown Area, a gritty but up and coming gentrifying neighborhood that’s long on both history and cool. It’s just east of downtown.  www.louisvillebutchertown.comExplore Museum Row on Main St.  and get a feel for the city through museums such as:The Muhammad Ali Center144 No. Sixth St., 502-584-9254;  www.alicenter.orgThe Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts501 West Main St., 502-562-0100;  www.kentuckycenter.orgThe Louisville Slugger Museum FactoryKentucky Derby Museum at Churchill Downs â€" They “do the Derby every day.” Get a mint julep and a slice of derby pie in the café after touring exhibits including theater in the round of last year’s Derby. 704 Central Avenue, Louisville, 502-637-1111;  www.derbymuseum.orgCherokee Park â€" Drive through the Frederick Law Olmsted designed area exploring the lush park-like grounds of the Victorian-era Cave Hill Cemetery where you’ll see the burial sites of Louisville legends like Muhammad Ali and Col onel Saunders. 701 Baxter Ave., 502-451-5630;  www.cavehillcemetery.comWhere to Shop:Craft(s) Gallery Mercantile â€" An extensive selection of personal items is on array along with local artisan goods and small art pieces. 572 South Fourth St., Downtown Louisville, 502-584-7636;  www.craftslouisville.comArt Eatables â€" Hey we all need a chocolate break every now and again. This is the world’s first and only Bourbon-Certified chocolatier in the world. 631 South 4th  St., Downtown Louisville, 502-589-0210;  www.arteatables.comNuLu (New Louisville) Neighborhood (East Market District) â€" A hodgepodge of boutiques, galleries and shops, the emerging NuLu district even offers vinyl stores, antiques, an old fashioned candy store, and a trendy barber shop.Revelry â€" Mo McKnight Howe’s eagle eye has selected some very special art and collectibles for both the ladies and the gents.   Girls, don’t miss the impressive hand-made jewelry. 742 E. Market St., Louisville,  www.revelrygaller y.comChristine A. Moore Millinery â€" Need a hat for the Derby?   Christine’s got your back!   110 W. 34th  St. Suite 1009, New York City, 212-279-1775;  www.camhats.comThis article first appeared on Travel Squire.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Five Job Interview Questions Young Engineers Can Expect

Five Job Interview Questions Young Engineers Can Expect Five Job Interview Questions Young Engineers Can Expect Five Job Interview Questions Young Engineers Can Expect Young engineers will each have a different experience when it comes to a job interview. While hiring managers ask varying questions depending on the industry they represent, young engineers can expect questions similar to these five below, said Charlie Wilgus, general manager for manufacturing and supply chain practices at Lucas Group, a Dallas-based executive search firm. Top Story:Air Taxi Aces Test Flight The interviewer will likely ask both project-based and problem-solving questions, said Wilgus, who leads a team of more than 50 recruiters nationwide. One of the first questions can sound something like this: Percent change in employment, projected 2016-26. Image: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 1. Talk about what you accomplished on a past engineering project? Project-based questions encourage candidates to discuss the role they played in a past engineering project. It doesnt matter a great deal whether that project took place on the job or as part of an academic exercise. Spend a short time talking about the projects aim, such as why your company carried it out. If your university sponsored the program, you can talk about what its administrators wanted students to learn through their participation. Interviewers hope to discover what you achieved through your own participation and how you applied your problem-solving skills to overcome obstacles along the way. They also want to ensure you understand how to work as part of a team and to ensure you know that teamwork and collaboration is key to engineering success. More on What Employers are Looking for: Pratt Whitney President Bob Leduc on the New Engineer Be prepared to speak about the role you played on the project, why you were necessary, the skills you brought to the tasks, and the ways you were instrumental to its overall success. Give examples that showcase your strengths as an engineer, such as the ability to think on your feet. 2. How would you approach a particular problem? This is an example, of course, of a question about problem solving. While engineers of all disciplines are often met with this question, the interviewer could detail the problem at hand, matching it to those the hiring company routinely experiences. There really isnt a correct or incorrect answer to this question. By asking this, hiring managers want to know how candidates apply their technical knowledge to a particular issue theyre likely to face. They want to get a sense of how you think through solutions and how you communicate your thoughts. They dont want you to necessarily show you have a solution to the problem, just that you can take the first steps toward addressing the issue. More on Teamwork: How Engineers Can Resolve Conflict 3. Why is thermodynamics important? This is what Wilgus terms a technical question. These questions quiz applicants on mechanical engineering basicsor, in the parlance of the game-show Jeopardythings you should have learned in school. Its perfectly acceptable to give a short and succinct answer to a technical question, Wilgus said. Interviewers may follow your answer up with another question, such as asking you to demonstrate one or two of the laws of thermodynamics. Or, they could ask why knowing what happens in terms of energy and work is necessary in a particular case. Technical questions are used to determine if the candidate has the aptitude to learn and take on more complex work over time, Wilgus said. But really, most questions are more behavioral and are used to determine a cultural fit for the organization. For a question that determines cultural fit, you can expect a few of the standard interview questions, such as: 4. How do you work best? Here, the interviewer probably wants to know if you thrive as part of a far-flung collaborative team that works together via an online tool like Slack, whether you prefer daily in-person conferences, or if youre more of a head-down get-it-done engineer. The honest answer to this question can help you prosper in your eventual working environment. You also may encounter a question intended to determine if you regularly gain new engineering knowledge and skills. 5. What new engineering skill have you developed or honed during the past year? Young engineers can expect to see significant advancements in the state of engineering even during their first years on the job: no matter what the work theyre specifically doing. Your answer here shows you can adapt to change, and might even welcome it. More on Collaboration: Global Talent Makes American Industry Stronger You should expect to hear the hiring manager pose some of the favorites across all industries: Where do you plan to be in five years? Talk about an obstacle you overcame at a previous job? Why are you interested in this position? Think through the answers to all these questions before the interview. You may want to role-play with a friend before the eventthis can help you smooth your responses and keep them sounding natural. You might also want to write down your ideas about best answersit will clarify your thoughts. Though its easier said than done, try not to get intimidated or scared by the prospect of the interview or by the person doing the asking. Remember, he or she once was in your position. Job interviews are a part of life. With a successful interview in your rear-view mirror, you can get down to the business of proving yourself on the job. Jean Thilmany is a freelance writer in St. Paul who frequently writes on engineering topics. Read More Exclusive Content from Six Lean Principles for an Industry 4.0 World Innovations in Biomaterials Create New Roles for Engineers The 7 Coolest Rescue Robots Tackle Almost Any Disaster Technical questions are used to determine if the candidate has the aptitude to learn and take on more complex work over time.Charlie Wilgus, Lucas Group.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Female Leadership in the Automotive Industry

Female Leadership in the Automotive Industry Female Leadership in the Automotive Industry The Dodge Charger team is a diverse and high performance group,Chris Barman, Vehicle Line Executive of the E Segment Platform, Chrysler Group LLC said. It is important to recognize this team includes a higher than normal percentage of women in key leadership positions. This diversity is a source of energy, innovation and unconventional perspectives that enable the Dodge Charger to be a very special product. Barman makes a key distinction here.  She points out that Chrysler is not merely hiring a large percentage of women, but also a substantial number of women in leadership positions. As the currently playing movie Made in Dagenham demonstrates, it is not enough to feel among ones peers on the work floor.   Without support from people in leadership positions, workers lack real representation. Corporate leadership often acknowledges the importance of equality, but does not commit to actually placing women and minorities in key executive leadership positions. Recognition and accolades such as these play a small but important role in making a corporate statement of policy.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Mystery of How to Make Resume for Job That No One Is Discussing

The Mystery of How to Make Resume for Job That No One Is Discussing The How to Make Resume for Job Cover Up As soon as it's only a page or two in length, a resume is among the most important sections of a work application. Well it is all dependent on whether the job posting instructions specify a specific format. A good example will be able to help you make a decision as to what information to include. A superb case in point is website Y. The 5-Minute Rule for How to Make Resume for Job Of course you would like your resume to be noticed, but for the correct reasonsand you've got to realize that it starts with the very first second someone looks at it. Well, regardless of what stage you're in your career, you're likely to should understand how to make a resume for a job interview and we will explain to you how! There isn't any time for procrastination once it comes to getting your perfect job. Different job postings are likely to have different key phrases, different job duties listed, and so forth. The hiring manager isn't trying to find a boring biography of your life, they would like to find that you're able to produce success. Each time you apply to get a new job, check your resume to make sure that it isn't only targeted, but in addition current. For each position, you're want to include your job title and business name. There's an excellent chance you may be switching career paths. Speaking of unique, the most important aim of your resume is to make you stick out from the remainder of the folks applying for the exact same job and another means to create that happen is to use action verbs and power words (also known as resume verbs). You will receive significant space to include all the main points of a resume like qualification summary, education in addition to relevant work experience. Then have a look at the following resume writing tips to learn to compose a resume optimizing each section for greatest success. Have confidence in what you've got to offer you. A resume, actually, is your own bonafide promoting document. So once you're considering how to compose a resume, don't forget that you ought to be selling your abilities and accomplishments, not simply listing your work history and your old responsibilities. Make certain you highlight technical wisdom and certifications. Facts, Fiction and How to Make Resume for Job The point is to not only underline the skills you have that relate to the job that you're applying to, but in addition provide your prospective employer with a chronological record of the jobs you've held before. When it has to do with your work history, begin with the latest job you had. Additionally, you may wind up in a job which you can't do. It's if you're applying for employment. Besides helping your resume get selected, it will likewise help the hiring manager see how your abilities and experiences make you a perfect candidate for the particular job. Whether you're a recent graduate or a career changer, understanding how to compose a resume whenever you have zero work experience may appear daunting. Instead be proactive, spend a while to locate companies and positions you're interested in and go for them. Since you might not have plenty of experience, it's important to include information that's related to your intended job like coursework, projects, extracurricular activities, or volunteer work. The Lost Secret of How to Make Resume for Job Sales is much like customer service as salespeople can be effective in a variety of industries. To learn more on what it requires to be a Merchandiser, have a look at our complete Merchandiser Job Description. Resumes might be organized in various ways. They are the primary tool that people use for their job sea rch. Our resume builder will provide you with tips and examples about how to compose your resume summary. Actually, you ought to be aware that plenty of companies these days are using Applicant Tracking Systems to help them screen resumes and get the best candidates. You may even switch off buyers. Real estate is a rather lucrative industry so it's obviously a competitive one.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Unexposed Secret of Resume for Teachers

The Unexposed Secret of Resume for Teachers On the flip side, the variety of educational institution do not balance with the variety of graduate students annually. Think also about the simple fact your audience is probably shuffling a slew of resumes. You don't should list community involvement that's not related to teaching particularly if you are attempting to conserve space on your resume. As you're making your teaching resume, be certain to read over it a few times in order to be sure you didn't make any mistakes, because mistakes could be fatal in this subject. The concept a teacher may have a problem writing cover letter is unthinkable. First and foremost it must be grammatically correct and don't have any spelling errors. You wish to grab their attention from the start and explain to you how creative you're. Include why you're a great match for the job. Consider looking for job offers to find out what responsibilities they advertise. You're good with kids, you understand how to treat kids well, and you understand how to raise them to be prosperous. Picking a suitable style for those teachers position is dependent first on the resume. Expertise Summary The expertise summary is the point where the recruiter primarily concentrate on a resume. Resume is necessary for the jobs in all fields. The training resume template is important in the event you are tryin g to draft a resume for different positions within the field of education. Teaching jobs usually need specific degrees and certifications, so be certain to highlight your education. Don't forget your education is truly critical in a teaching resume. Teacher resumes can be more complicated to create than those for different fields due to the abundance of certifications necessary and additionally the range of teaching jobs out there. Don't miss this advice to write a greater education curriculum vitae CV. Resume for Teachers Explained Include an Education resume section to the peak of your document. 1 web page is best however if in the event you have over five decades of experience, it will probably be difficult to receive it to a single page. While you're searching for other job opportunities, it is likewise strongly suggested that you send them an updated resume a minumum of one month later because most companies clean up their records of resumes regularly. Definitions of Resume for Teachers Fantastic teachers are famous for their vivacity and sun ny disposition. Below you'll come across various teacher resume examples, in addition to writing tips and secrets that'll teach you the knowledge you want to land your dream job. When writing a resume, it helps to review resume examples that are linked to your occupation. 20 real examples will explain to you how to describe your experience and compose a professional resume. You will also find a good example of a resume written particularly for an early childhood education job. Both can cause you to get exceptional but only one can enable you to land work. The very last thing that you want to do is apply for work in education with a subpar resume. Looking to get a job in a respectable school located in Seattle. It is possible to even have a look at our sample teacher resume below for guidance in making an expert teacher resume. As you start looking for jobs as a teacher. Instead of merely listing your duties and abilities, accomplishments show what you've done for a school in earlier times letting a possible school know what you could do for them later on. Teaching the little kids need high patience and exceptional skills to tackle stubborn kids.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Secret Facts About The Perfect Resume Revealed by an Old Pro

Secret Facts About The Perfect Resume Revealed by an Old Pro What you exclude is at least as vital as what you include. Your resume was made to sell you. the Perfect Resume Help! Speaking of unique, the most important aim of your resume is to make you stick out from the remainder of the folks applying for equal job and another means to create that happen is to use action verbs and power words (also known as resume verbs). The majority of other people with waiting experience could probably accurately compose exactly the same specific thing. Most folks look at writing a resume as just something you've got to do to have a job. In case the resume isn't good enough to capture the interest of the reader, he'll just throw it away. Practically everyone has an opinion on the very best format and what things to include in a resume. As an example, imagine the work description states they're searching for a team player. The solution is yes in case you wish to. What You Don't Know About the Perfect Resume Along with your LinkedIn account, the perfect resume should incorporate any links that are related to your work, like a personal site, portfolio, or blog. There are a lot of basic kinds of resumes used to make an application for job openings. With the quantity of applications that employers receive, you have to make your CV stick out among the rest. In addition, some employers might request a cover letter to accompany your resume. There are several different functional resume examples that you may find by doing a simple Google search, but here is a significant example that I managed to acquire from Keep reading if you want to discover more about how to compose the perfect resume and what you ought to include. It's easy to use, though you have to make an account (or you're able to login via Google, Facebook or LinkedIn). As soon as it's possible to create your resume without logging in, you are going to have to create an account if you would like to save your CV and edit it later on. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for the Perfect Resume A resume builder makes it simple to create a perfect resume by giving a detailed advice for every single portion of the practice of producing a personalised copy for you. Among the biggest issues with some resumes is the absence of proofreading. Taking the opportunity to work on your resume is essential. Your resume will almost certainly have the most suitabl e mixture of crucial phrases. The info on your resume is restricted to a page, or so the cover letter is the area for you to reveal your nature and stick out from the crowd. When you produce a resume, you need to have a prospective employer's attention without embellishing any info. You don't need to present any personal or private info on your resume. Triple check your contact info, placed at the peak of your resume, is accurate. You must tailor your resume to each work application so that it responds to the particular necessities of the job which you're applying for. The resume summary is simply a bridge to have the hiring manager in your experience. Taking the opportunity to tailor your resume to every new job is a significant step that lots of job seekers neglect. Your resume ought to be focused, concise and emphasize achievements and abilities that fit the job that you're applying for. The target of the resume is to secure you an interview with the business. The point is to not only emphasize the skills you have that relate to the job which you're applying to, but in addition provide your possible employer with a chronological record of the jobs you've held before. If there's not enough information an employer cannot correctly assess if you're the correct person for work. At the close of the day, the skillset of the man and their qualifications are what get them with the job. Only include things like experience and interests that you think are related to the job that you are applying for. Most men and women find jobs through other men and women.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Unusual Facts About Make a Free Resume and Download for Free

Unusual Facts About Make a Free Resume and Download for Free Make a Free Resume and Download for Free Fundamentals Explained In case you have any questions, you can get in touch with our support team here. Your resume will function as a marketing tool which will somehow construct your career as an employee through mutual efforts and gains with the business and your employer also. Zety's resume templates are made with the aid of recruiters and stick to the best practices in HR. Show your complete potential by producing the greatest possible CV through their disruptive on-line resumes and eye-catching PDF templates! You can pick the template meant for the position you want to apply. Templates may be used for making CV, resume to be able to apply for jobs. You can locate the proper template and design your resume meant for the particular job. If you don't track down a template that's particular to your job requirement, you can choose the template that's certainly made for a work nearly the exact same as the one which you're interested in. The Make a Free Resume and Download for Free Cover Up This infographic-style resume template is cost-free, but for a small charge, you may download extra templates to produce matching small business cards and portfolio pages. The peak of your resume should includecritical keyword phrases and a fast snapshot of your core strengths, Leavy-Detrick states. Imagine you have two resumes before you. Resume builder includes an instantaneous preview, and therefore you don't will need to save and refresh the page to see the way that it appears like. Distinct websites will provide distinctive kinds of samples. There are several online resume maker tools which will sure help you to acquire a resume in pdf format only as long as you pay them. Conduct an online search of the kind of resume samples you'd love to download. Downloading a number of free resume samples from the Internet can be precisely the thing you have to kick-start your resume writing. What You Should Do to Find Out About Make a Free Resume and Download for Free Before You're Left Behind Since you may see, there's a wide selection of freebies to select from. Each one of our creative style templates offer you a perfectly balanced mixture of personality, professionalism and a little style. The manner of functional, chronological, and combination are three major kinds of the resume. Feel free to bring a close look at our hottest styles given below. Resumizer free resume creator allows you to preview your resume at any moment in the creation approach. CakeResume is a drag-n-dropped editor where you're able to customize the info, layout, images, social icons, colours and everything to create a perfect resume. There are lots of free resume templates readily available on the web but sometimes it can be quite tough to pick the best one that is most suited to you. This absolutely free template can help you build the simple attractive template that you'll need. Vital Pieces of Make a Free Resume and Download for Free Career object is just one of the important sections of an online resume. Building a resume isn't a task you are able to leave up to chance. Infographic resumes become increasingly more popular. Agricultural Resume is a sort of resume which is being submitted by an applicant who would like to work in agricultural research, agricultural area and farming operations. To improve your chances of selecting the intervie w, you must generally customize your resume based on which template is easily the most appropriate to use. The templates supply you with an easy time having everything together. Considering your relative absence of specialist experience, this template is helpful since it puts your strengths right at the very top and enables you stick out from the competition. This crystal clear and skilled template is helpful to people who've been out of the workforce for a protracted period, or are seeking to move from temporary work to a full-time position. As soon as you have prepared and submitted your resume to an employer the hope is you will be requested to attend work interview to go over further whether you're going to be suitable. There's no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better prospect of standing from the crowd even supposing it's made utilizing a template. All you need to do is point and click. By clearly displaying your military experience and explaining your specific responsibilities, you'll have the ability to find the attention from employers you have earned. You never receive a second chance to produce an excellent first impression in the work search. Possessing a good resume or CV is an essential part of getting your fantasy job. The primary aim of yours as you look for a job which you must hunt for that ones, that are definitely the most close to what you desire. At the close of the day be confident you will receive a job that you dream about, congratulations!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

New Step by Step Roadmap for Resume Writing Jobs

New Step by Step Roadmap for Resume Writing Jobs Job seekers deserve to locate decent content quickly. Notice how the example resumes are extremely specific when it has to do with technical skills. The Appeal of Resume Writing Jobs Writing newsletters isn't that tough, a freelance writer will find it simpler to compose newsletters in accordance with the set requirements than a magazine article and you will discover a job for a newsletter writer more quickly. You don't necessarily need to be certified to find work or obtain tons of clients as a freelance resume writer. Freelance writing may be an amazing way to make money and can even result in full-time income if you're able to consistently produce superior work. It is the ultimate side hustle. A Career Overview should supply the reader with a fast preview of what he or she is going to see in your resume. Online writing jobs offer freelance writers with a great deal of continuing work and the chance to make a steady paycheck or supplemental income working at home. When you are prepared to compose your dissertation, you'll most certainly feel intimidated. Writing a dissertation demands a lot of research. You don't need to include your house address, though there may be some situations when doing so would be advisable. Offering free resume reviews is one method to locate clients. Starting your own resume writing business or another sort of home business for this matter is a good idea if you've got the abilities and ultimately wish to be your own boss. If you truly understand what you can do, work at home online jobs might be the correct selection for everybody who would like to spend more time at home. It's also intelligent to consider about landing local customers. The gaining popularity of home based jobs has ever attracted many as you're totally free to make as much money as you desire. Attempt to comprehend the market of the organization you are asking for work, and identify what sort of difficulties they could be going through. Staying in contact with your clients is among the most important elements to cultivating an active resume-writing enterprise. The Nuiances of Resume Writing Jobs In many instances, a hiring manager may want to see 20 to 30 decades of history, but a good deal of hiring managers don't wish to see anything beyond ten years. So when the hiring company hasn't provided a salary for work, we look at salary data from related businesses and locations to produce a sensible estimate for what you may expect. If you're open to different varieties of jobs, let us know. You may also have to think to be an HR or a hiring manager. Confident and capable folks are exactly who employers want to hire. They are always looking for jobs. You could either go to work for a resume company which uses freelancers to create resumes for their customers, or you might begin your own resume-writing enterprise. Every job differs so that you need to look into the organization or companies that the client wishes to apply too. Customer service is an essential element in many jobs and it's vital that you concentrate on that in your resume. Be patient you will at some point get the experience you will need to acquire the high paying jobs. Volunteer experience is also a great add-on to healthcare resumes as it shows the hiring manager you have compassion off the work also. Some individuals have had as many as 90 jobs in the last ten years, therefore it only makes sense they're confused and don't understand how many jobs to improve their resume. Distinct kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with lots of the exact skills.